Environmental Activism Through Art

The following works are by Helen Clarke;

Helen Clarke is a contemporary Australian printmaker with a passion for the environment.  She uses the mediums of etching and reduction linocuts to interpret the Australian landscape, flora and fauna.
source - http://www.woodypear.com/

Each incredibly realistic and vibrantly coloured print can use up to 20 layers of oil based inks over each other to create the final artwork.

You can view more of Helen Clarke's work by clicking on the following link -
source - http://www.woodypear.com/
The following work is by Ryan Trama; 
This piece is the result of the artists journey through the Visual Arts. The artist explored environmental art and was inspired by his love for the environment and works by Environmental Artists such as John Dahlsen and Helen Clarke.
This sculpture titled 'Balance of Life' is suspended in mid air and represents the atists view that we (humans) are gambling with the environment by creating so much waste.
'Balance of Life'by Ryan Trama 2010.